It's critical to understand what's important to your clients, why they make certain decisions, and the way you interact with them to provide guidance. Use the following strategies to improve your self-awareness and client relationships.
Relationship Management
Investors should carefully consider a variable annuity’s risks, charges, limitations, and expenses, as well as the risks, charges, expenses, and investment goals of the underlying investment options. This and other information about Pacific Life are provided in the product and underlying fund prospectuses. These prospectuses should be read carefully before investing.
Asset allocation and diversification do not guarantee future results, ensure a profit, or protect against loss. Better results could be achieved by investing in an individual fund or funds representing a single asset class rather than using asset allocation. A fund-of-funds is subject to its own expenses along with the expenses of the underlying funds. It is typically exposed to the same risks as the underlying funds in which it invests in proportion to the allocation of assets among those underlying funds, among other risks. Each underlying fund has its own investment goal, strategy, and risks.